For The Love Of Ice Skating Plaid T Shirt

Been our greatestsocial media button has been thatforward email button for everyone whosubscribed to our emails because wedon’t ever send spam to anyone we justplan to send our essays out to the worldand in our podcasts out to the world andpeople tend to share it and that becausewhen you find value in something you youwant to give that to the people you careabout because you hope they’ll get valuefrom it too and so I definitelyrecommend the Wright brothers I thinkthat book is a For The Love Of Ice Skating Plaid T Shirt portrait of true passiontrue love and a obsession of aviationand craft and I mean these guys werejust geniuses I definitely won a book so1901 he was saying that we would neverfly ya there for 50 years I don’t thinkman’s going to fly and then 68 yearslater we were landing onright that is crazy yeah and it justgoes to show I mean yeah there’s yeah wecan accomplish a lot a lot more than wethink also from a fellow Ohioan NeilArmstrong that’s right yeah Lebanon Ohiohe lived in our lake home or likehometown city yeah that’s cool yeah sothe Wright brothers. The director of the film andof course the folks over aspire mediawho helped us put this film togetherwe’re finally getting this out in theworld we’re so excited and when I firstgot the email from our distributor Icouldn’t believe when it said that itwas the number one documentary of 2016so far so thank you so much for that alot of great reviews for the film havecome in and in fact we’re doing aspecial episode of the minimalistpodcast today some friends of oursJessica Lynn Williams and a gal namedMelissathey run a podcast called the mindPalace and so Jessica actually workswith us she helps us out with a lot ofthe the social media stuff we do over atFacebook and Twitter and her and Melissajust sit down once a week and have theseamazing conversations about living awell curated life and when people oftenask us what our other minimalist podcastyou recommend that is that tends to bethe first podcast I recommend well theysat down and had a discussion about thefilm and and they tend to stray from thefilm quite a bit and. Are tworeasons we don’t let go fear and greedand and if we can if we can think aboutthe things that we want to let go of butrefuse to for some reason we’re afraidwe’re we afraid of we’re afraid to losesomeone else’s love or admiration orwork because if I get rid of that shinycar because really what you’re gettingrid of is your shiny car payment andthen maybe I won’t get to love from thepeople that I’m trying to impress that’snot real love anyway and if you couldfind a way out of that I said wellthat’s here is not rational or it’sgreed right I need to have more moremore more MOREI mean that is often thought of and manycultures as a mental illness in ourculture it’s called success and so whatI found is that I realized that my greeddoesn’t just hurt other people it getsin my way and once I realized that itwas easier for me to let go of the greedand the fear I thinkmy 140 character response would be itdoesn’t matter why we hold on to thingsthere is never a good enough reason tohoard letting go will always feel betterthan

Source: For The Love Of Ice Skating Plaid T Shirt

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We like you saidwe would have put advertising ouradvertisements on it we actually spendmoney to make this podcast which seemscounter andright because we rent this studio spacehere we pay for all the equipment wedon’t do any ads we pay podcast Sean wepay Jordan Joe no mo Geronimo is theYouTube consensus on his new nicknameand in what the reason we’re doing thisthose because the message we believe inallows us to consistently share thatmessage via this vehicle that isdifferent from the other vehicles thatwe use whether it’s our books whether itis our writing whether it is our film ordocumentary whatever it is like weactually spend money to put this podcastout there every month thankfully ourpatreon supporters help help supplementthat but yeah I was I was just gettingready to mention the man like thank Godfor them there they really help out witha lot of this I think once we get thethree thousand patreon supporters thenwe’ll have enough to break even a For The Love Of Ice Skating Plaid T Shirt littlevery happy we’ll still be happy okay butyeah so if you do want. Todeprive Ella of having the things thatshe wants now the average child has 300toys but plays with only 12 daily Wowthat tells me something here that is ametaphor for our own lives because theaverage adult has 300 thousand items andplays with you know 12 000 daily I don’tknow what that number is but like it’snot even that right and and and so wejust tend to accumulate more once we getolder and we’re allowed to accumulatemore and so Ella has toys I take L tothe toy store but I also instill thepractice of contributing to her as wellso we go to the goodwill once a monthand we let go of some stuff that she’sno longer playing with and then shedoesn’t realize like I’m just gettingrid of this stuff so it’s not the meexplaining the theory of contribution toher because she’s not gonna understandthat she’s five but what she doesunderstand is hey I’m not playing withthis anymore I can see another kidplaying with it and I understand that Idon’t need this anymore and if I get ridof this I can bring new toys into mylife that. Infront of crowds and be able to you knowbe a better public speaker and stuff butno man I am really shocked honestly thatit’s at this point but I’m reallygrateful that I am able to share thisstory and and have so many people findvalue in it and and we will continue toto explore different wayssomebody was it the Chicago Tribunesomebody called this thing a multimediaproject that that we were beinginterviewed by and I was and I was likeman that is a perfect term for this likethis really is it’s like a multimediaproject that is really affecting a lotof people’s lives so we will continue todo our podcast we will continue to dosome video in some form or fashion wehaven’t really decided on exactly howwe’re gonna do that but you know as longas people are still showing up as longas people are you know still coming upto us we’re riding in and saying man youhave totally changed my perspective onlife and have really helped me gaincontrol we will continue to do this andbelieve hopefully we can reach more morepeople and help more
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