I'm Not Anti Social I'm Selectively Social My Standards Are Very High And Most People Just Don't Make The Cut Cat T-Shirt

FOR YOU TIME I MADE LIKES WHAT WAS SECRETARY OF WAS IT FOR CAMERA WHAT HE SAID BUSINESS OR SOMETHING HER SECRETARY ON THE SAME THING LINDA MCMAHON WAS THE SAME AS ON WAS SMALL BUSINESS YEAH I THINK HE WAS A I'm Not Anti Social I'm Selectively Social My Standards Are Very High And Most People Just Don't Make The Cut Cat T-Shirt DIFFERENT WING WE LOSE HONEST STARTING EARLY STILL THERE YOU STILL HERE BUDDY OKAY YEAH I’M STILL HERE YET. This country because America uniquely holds the promise of a place where everyone can belong we know that for too many and for too long that promise has been denied but we also know America is at its best when we make that circle of belonging wider just over 10 years ago I joined the military where firing me because of who I am was just possible it was policy now in 2020 is unlawful in America to fire someone because of who they are or who they love the very ring on my finger away we celebrated here where I’m standing reflects how this country can change love makes my marriage real but political courage made it possible including that of Joe Biden who stepped out ahead even of this party when he said that marriage equality under the law of the land there is a long way to go but if this much can change between 2010 and 2020 imagine what could change between now and 2030 imagine what we could achieve this coalition we are building this very season gathering progressives and moderates independents and even what. Like to do its dual practice laws and that’s a everyone likes each other were all nice guys let’s do like is OnStar what is your main disagreement with Bosch as if Bosch was here and you disagreed with something he said what is your main disagreement with the main disagreement with Bosch is that he thinks that it’s actually he seems to think that actually potentially realistic that there could be at some point a revolution whether it was that the so your blade revolution but a revolutionary leftist revolution at some point in the foreseeable future in this country and I just don’t ever see that happening and to me I think that if the things that liberals progressives want would actually be implemented I think that would take the wind out of the sails of all the kinds of things that he’s talking about like worker cooperatives and stuff like that which is I can’t get out of yesterday

Source: I'm Not Anti Social I'm Selectively Social My Standards Are Very High And Most People Just Don't Make The Cut Cat T-Shirt

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And I can be evicted then to be affected and those letters have already been sent out so make sure that I’m providing a I'm Not Anti Social I'm Selectively Social My Standards Are Very High And Most People Just Don't Make The Cut Cat T-Shirt payroll tax holiday to all Americans earning less than 100 000 per year meaning bigger paychecks for working families through the end of 2022 tremendous amount of money that is being supplied and given to families tremendous the Democrats didn’t want to do a payroll tax they thought it was too much money I guess would make businesses to successful that I want to see success basically don’t want to see before the election basically don’t want to see the kind of graphs and charts that you saw that at all because they say they can’t with that kind of success they can win that to get used to remember we’ve already gotten 3 trillion in stimulus so they should probably negotiate a little bit differently maybe they should’ve asked for this before got most of the money we gave it at lot of it to the people when we win the election when I win the election I’m going to completely and totally forgive. Great Nation Is Now Living in an Unprecedented Moment with Facing the Worst Public Health Crisis in 100 Years and the Worst Economic Collapse since the Great Depression We Are Confronting Systemic Racism. Guys for sure years ago the Supreme Court decided that yes everyone can get married there it was in 2015 no here we are in 2019 know it is the slippery slope fallacy but look over in Britain people are merging their dogs over here in the states we have a little bit of a different problem occurring we have sexuality being pushed on kids just take a look at the Dracut Desmond is amazing looking his double liesand tell me that’s okay it’s not but it all comes from people like this the work in the discussion today’s video Lindsay whatever her name is she is a woman quote unquote runs a channel called queer kid stuffand as you can imagine it’s pushing queer politics on children took a look at her Ted talk yes you heard me correct she got a Ted talk escaped off to me todayand weand the way imagine with the street face having to up in front of a crowd of people at a Ted talk playing the ukuleleand sing it’s okay to be gay yeah that’s this is not what they felt was four years ago I guarantee it will be me so somewhere in between is known as her Manfred’sand know not everyone who’s born for as both maleand female parts but according to the intersex Society of North America to everyone’s got society according to them being born with both maleand female genitalia happens about oneand 150 000 births so I don’t think you’re singing the song for them I think you’re singing the song for the parents the parents of kids who don’t know better all are part in the same way left a gaming therapy but no doesn’t mean that more sober just to goand skip to the rest of introand the audience clapping also sorry for the way up something you can probably tell I’m a tad under the weather help performance with lyrics like it’s okay to be gay for a room full of adults is one thing but it’s entirely different for roomful of kindergartners so what you’re saying is a roomful of sixth graders might be a little immature or not even know what game meansand why are you pushing it on them if I was apparent in Lindsay aimer was somewhere performing her gay agenda to my child I would not cause a scene I would not start an argument I would just quietly remove my child from the area because I don’t want my child exposed to this turn is the theme song for my web series queer kid stuff why make LGBT couponsand social justice videos for all ages but it’s not really for all ages as you’re really driving it towards a certain demographic I mean you have blocksand a teddy bear there so you’re really driving it to the toddler to kindergarten Ranger Chuand when I say all ages I mean literal babies to your great great grandma I’m going to put a big heavy X to do you will really driving it to one specific demographic sure there might be other stuff splashed in there for other demographics but you’re really trying to drive it towards one particular demographic little babies which is why you have blocks a teddy bear bright colors chill like that even the audience wasn’t feeling that QE see that again in its full glory to your great great grandma that’s about as brutal as the please clap thank you Lindsay Bush now I know what you’re thinking while they’re talking about the stuff the kids here I think that’s the thought of just about everyone’s mind around here you talking to kids about gay stuff is actually crucial know what’s crucial is teaching children that everyone is differentand that’s okay but telling them that you have to do this in order to not be a big it is an entirely different story kids could not give a flying fuck less about someone’s personal politics personal sexual orientation or anything that doesn’t have to do with Legos mine craftand Paul patrol kids do not give a flying fuck the American Academy of pediatrics has found that children have a solid understanding of their gender identity by the age of four years he probably should buy them they should know that either they stand up or sit down to P or they go to this bathroom or that bathroom they should have an idea of what they are but that’s about it they just know that their own gender is this one thing that set that is literally it children are developing their sense of self there observing the world around absorbing informationand internalizing itand that’s one thing that is pretty much factually correct but let’s see what she does now most parents want their children to become kindand pathetic self confident adults yeah that would be part of what people want from the children a kind self confident good adult that’s what the job of a parent is we are not raising a child we are raising the adult that they will end up being an exposure to diversity is an important part of that socialand emotional development so which is a teaching them that they have their own identity or teaching them about others identities which is more important because if it comes down to those to which it doesn’t always but I think it’s more important for your child to learn about themselves before they start learning about other people can kidsand trend kidsand kids with trainersand non binaryand queer parents are everywhere what I think you meant to say there is children being forced to do something that they might not want to do trans kids children being abused by their parents or gender nonconforming kids tomboy’sand whatever the equivalent of that is for girls little sissy boys whatever it doesn’t mean that they’re gay or part of the LGBT alphabet soup community all it means is that they are their own child they are unique does not mean that there part of your communityand you can use them as a cudgel to push your political agenda of another just total brutal silent bomb all man can we get an instant replay on their pleas are everywhere all my The first one all while healthy coaxing bombs that bad since shockand awe whole you could hear a pin drop in that crowd theories my stuffed bear cohostand I talk about the LGBT community activism genderand pronouns consentand body positivity yeah because small children toddlers as you say need to be really educated on activism consent why would a child ever need to be educated on consent I don’t want to be that guy but you’re really making it hard for that pesky little albatross around the LGBT community’s neck that your all Kitty touches you might want to avoid that is much as possible I mean I know it’s not trueand I don’t want anyone else to think it’s true but when you talkand act like this you make it really hard for the enormity of the Internet to go on it’s a little weird we all these topics through songs not unlike the one you just heard definitionsand metaphors because of children are known for anything it’s their deep understanding of metaphors that’s were children really excel toddlers are like little cast yells they don’t understand everything we approach these ideas to steal a phrase from an old professor of mine from under the doorknob getting down to topper heightand looking up at the great big world through their tiny little eyes will that’s kind of the thing about the world you can look at it from tiny little eyes all you want it doesn’t mean it’s going to make any sense at all the world is a complicated place full of hopeand loveand caring optimismand camaraderie but it has a lot of really bad stuff too that a child just simply doesn’t comprehend no not saying that LGBT is either of those things but what I’m saying is simply boiling it down to the idea that a child knows everything is just it simply wrong not only is it wrong but it’s a disservice to the child taking these complex ideasand simplifying them yeah because genders that number more than they can countand pronouns of words that doesn’t even exist that’s not a complicated all right gender is not how we feeland how we express ourselves no no it’s not gender is about what you have between your legs that’s what gender is sexuality is not loveand genderand family about sex no again know if it wasn’t about sex it wouldn’t have the pretense of sex in the word love genderand family is who you areand what your chromosomes are sexuality is who you are sexually attracted toand how you express that that is stuff that children do not need any part in no matter what the LGBT community says they don’t these are all ideas children can grasp my earliest episodes about gender I use the idea of pronouns to underscore the definitionand introduce gender neutral pronouns like theyand yeah that’s absolutely brilliant a child who barely has a grasp of the English language as it is confuse them even more by using plural pronouns like theyand them in their place of singular program pronouns like him or her perfectly fine I encourage children think about their ownand to ask others for the children should be thinking about important child things like what’s the next episode of Paul Bell’s what’s the next additional mine craft important child things not what’s the 7 foot to bearded man with makeups pronouns that’s not what a child should be worried about in later episodes I build on the foundationand introduce big fancy words like non binaryand transgender will that’s finding great but you still have an even remotely touched on why this needs to be taught to children even explained why teaching at the children can work but not why it should be taught to children I get emails from viewers in their 20s to use my videos to explain non binary gender to their grandparents I mean that’s what I do what I want to explain something completely made up I look for YouTube video on it because there’s bound to be one but I get one comment overand over again are you guys this is where little bring up something called a micro expression it’s pretty much when your facial features give away something that you’re not outwardly expressing it’s kind of like a body language but you have to read between the lines a little bit so here’s the example this is Lindsay’s face when she’s talking about that one question that she gets often now just drink itand look at it should look very happyand I don’t know because I haveand watches video yet but I’m gonna go out on a limband assume that whatever the question is it really sticks in her craw let’s take a look be kids apparentlyand I’m no psychologist so don’t take my word for this is all my opinion beating you in your opinion you are more than welcome to disagree with it but apparently from what I can see let kids be kids is something that Lindsay aimer really doesn’t appreciate she doesn’t like the idea that kids can just be kids that’s a nice sentiment all but only if actually includes all kits what does that even mean only some kids can be kids only white kids can be kids only straight kids can be kids know I think they mean all kids can just be themselves I think that’s what they mean what a child grow up like a child let a child grow up without you having to mush your politics in its stupid little face just a few weeks ago a 15 year old in Huntsville Alabama died by suicide after being bullied for being gay a doubt it be that’s not a childand see what is it have to do with teaching children transgender is him you’re not can make bullies any less of a bully because you teach them what transgender’s are all your teaching them is that people who are transgender are inherently weakerand I think this would be a perfect segue to talking about a real problem in America which is suicide overdosing disenfranchised youth this is at it in LGBT oppressed moment this is a every young person is going through this moment it’s not especially for you Lindsay in 2018 it was a seven year old in Denver Colorado so just a quick cursory Google search also proves that this is blatantly not true yeah but don’t let facts get in the way of a good narrative I know if you go look at the article it was actually a nine year old boyand it said that the mom thought that he was bullied so she assumed that’s why he committed suicide no proof no nothing the kid did say he was gay but how can a nine year old even know this so again you’re assumingand you’re just kind of using the death of a child to push your political narrative but go onand also in the article it says that kids at school supposedly allegedly told him to kill himself this kid would have never survived in the car days of old they think the bullying on Insta Graham is bad they should tried modern warfare for that was a fucking shit show there have beenand will be many more yeah kids can be little douche bags I know from first hand experience you’re not going to save any lives by teaching a toddler pronouns I understand what you think you’re doing is the right thing butand I know this is just gonna fall on deaf ears if Lindsay ever sees this please reconsider that this is actually more likely hurting your movement than it is helping lesbian Gayand bisexual teens are more than three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peersand transgender teams are almost 6 times more likely there are so many different factors at play here that it is really hard to get into the my new show of all of it so yes while that might be true when every source I’ve looked at does confirm it that LGBT youth is more likely to commit suicide that it’s just part of being who you are everybody has a rough patchand if you ever have these thoughts please reach out to someone call the suicide prevention hotline do something taking your own life is never worth it with that being said the tea in LGBT really does kinda lean towards more of a mental issue considering it is such a small populationand has such a large attempted suicide so that there’s a lot of things at play here using suicide which is an issue that will really get me going as some sort of political cudgel is not only disgusting it’s dishonestand you’re not doing anyone any favors by doing that so if you do ever have these feelings please reach out to someone according to one study roughly 1 3 of homeless youth identify as lesbian gay bisexual or questioning about 4 of homeless youth identify as transgender compared with 1 of the general youth population surveyed so what you’re saying is the homeless population tracks almost perfectly with the rest of the population in terms of LGBT or whatever other thing you’re trying to compare here so a small portion of the homeless population is equivalent to the small portion of the rest of the population it’s almost like homelessness has no bearing on this issue according to the human rights campaign there have been 128 killings of trans people so did you go throughand see how many of them were actually killed just because they were trans because I’m going to go out on a limb hereand this is really a far stretch this is almost unimaginable but if you go through mall like I have done I’ve gone through a good portion of them almost all of those killings have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they were trans but other mitigating factors including assault robbery drug deals you should probably look into that before you try using that to sure it’s a quick catchy headline yeah hundred 26 trans people murdered but none of them because they were trans none of them in 87 cities across 32 states since 2013and those are only the reported cases so that’s 130 some people in the span of six years okay okayand 80 of those killings were of trans women of color so 80 of 100and some killings over the span of six years were trans women of color does that somehow make the killings worse is that somehow make the act of someone being murdered less or more I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here by saying they were women of color just stop the to comments on my videos are not much better this is exactly what it looks like under every single one your videos so how would you know what the YouTube comments are if you have them turned off you liar but this is just another way to skate criticism is in last time people criticized you want a mass scale you went said they were all anti somatic yeah what what sense does that make maybe if you actually challenged your ideas your own ideas or challenged people who challenge your ideas you wouldn’t have to use everything around you as a cudgel to be your political opponent over the head with its anti Semitismand anti homophobe it’s homophobia stop it you’re literally not fooling anyone I’m used to the harassment I get messages daily tiny pedophileand I should kill myself in a number of increasingly creative ways I don’t think any of thatand I don’t think anybody should be saying any of that to you but what I do think is that you are doing something badand the thing with the kids is a little weird so I but no you shouldn’t kill yourself you should just accept the idea that people will disagree with youand if you put stuff on the Internet they can disagree with you in brutaland not fun ways but we all take that chance every day we hit upload don’t worry still my favorite death threat kill yourself comment I’ve ever gotten I’ve never forgotten this case was so it caught me so off guard it was on an uneasy on videoand is someone apparently uneasy unfair one of the six that remain was like I hope you stab yourself in the neck you blackand white piece of shit like in real life I’m some actual black and white human being you just the wall with I once had to put the word truck on my block list because someone wanted me to get run over by a truck you know what I do when I get comments like that I just scroll past him it’s not worth my timeand also what would you do if someone was like a Lindsay I have this awesome brand new truck to give you just missed out on showerand otherand are in there too for the less creativeand more disturbing Holocaust reference there it is again got to bring up the fact that your Jewish gotta bring up the fact that people bring up the fact that your Jewish is another way to just skate criticism sure people can make Holocaust jokes I think that’s fine you don’t like it don’t look at it it’s just that simple now I’m not Jewish so I don’t know how it would feel if someone made an oven joke at me but I am Italianand I get I get more jokes all the time you just gotta roll with it more as the proper noun not the determiner when neo Nazis marched in Charlottesville I was unsurprised to learn that the creator of a violin to read it mean about one of my episodes was in the Tiki torch crapped I don’t know what a violent meme isand I don’t know how you would know that but okay I guess yeah okay how did you go thereand ask them tightly okay you know it don’t this barrage of negativity is what in there it is that quick inflation that quick little turnover of look these people are Holocaust bringer uppers these people are Tiki torch carrying retards from Charlottesville now people do disagree with meand they are all these people real honest Lindsay you’re not to bring up the fact that every day people conservatives liberals Democrats they disagree with you know just all right neo Nazi people disagree with you the crushing statistics of violence the mental health risks the well meaning but flawed response my parents gave me when I came out that they didn’t want me to have a harder life know what statistics referring to but the ones you cited have not been very trustworthy in your videos you go to places like the ACLUand the ADL to get your statistics not like government sourcesand so what your parents didn’t want you to have a hard life no parent wants their child to have a hard life that’s what against I love you say we naturally assuming that everyone in the crowd agrees with you I’ve yet to hear one you had so many just straight bombs I would have a hard time believing anyone in this crowd is buying what you’re selling wholesale but in the face of I choose joy yeah this this really this phrase really screams joyand happy to me don’t you see it I mean look at it I’ve never seen someone quite as happy as this I choose rainbowsand unicorns in good it’s okay if you day with my childhood stuffed teddy bearand that’s all fineand goodand I’m glad you can find happiness in what you do I really am because even if you do face adversity like this what I’m doing right now I never thought I could make a living off of it this was all I wanted to do since I was a kid I used to love radio OBand Anthony rover I used to love radio I even before my kids were born I even wentand interviewed at a radio school so either way I was going to make a living doing something like this I promised myself I wouldand I’m here sure I’ve been to monetized sure YouTube does its thing that you gotta find the good in what you doand you have done something you’ve done what you wanted to do Lindsay that is no small feat but in there is a but the thing is you can play your ukuleleand scream it’s okay to be gay to whoever you want but you can’t turn aroundand get mad when they go to my kid alone there’s a pretty fine line between entertainerand harasser in a query if her kids because I wish I had this when I was there eachand you realize you are not at all representative of every queer kid who lives right you gotta know that for someone who supposedly celebrates how differentand how unique each child is your certainly assuming they all think the same way I make it so others don’t have to struggle through it I did not understanding my identity because I didn’t have any exposure to who I could be so that’s what this is right this is some childhood fulfillment thing that you feel like you have to do okay now it’s all starting to make a little bit of sense to me I teachand spread this message through joyand positivity instead of framing around the hardships of queer life again that’s all fineand welland good just don’t market it to toddlers who don’t understand how to go to the bathroom I want kids to grow upand into themselves with pride for who they areand who they can be no matter who they love or what they wear or what they use to love others you just hit the nail of what every parent wants every parent wants a child to grow upand to be confidentand strong in love someone there who will love them back every parent wants that nobody gets special treatment just because they so happy to love someone of the same gender just because they so happen to feel a certain way now here’s the thingand you just set it yourself with kids according to you it’s nothing sexual unless it’s someone they love are the way they want to dress you can even keep your own narrative Street if you can’t take yourself seriously enough to understand your own story why should anyone else take you seriously for their differences not in spite of them are you just winging it up there do you understand the stuff you’re saying you want people to love each other for their differences not in spite of them what it maybe it’s just me maybe it’s late maybe I am doing this at 130 in the morning but if you love someone for their differences not in spite of them don’t you love them either way again my new Shabbat I think fostering this prideand empathy will make the world a kinderand more equal place well that’s another thing a child is just going to have to learn sometimes the world is not a kind place sometimes the world is not an equal place listen we have it good here in the West we haven’t really damn good but in other countries they don’t share the amount of wealthand understanding that we have how is that kind fair or equal why should your child get to grow up knowing all the stuff but someone else’s doesn’t do you think do you do you think that some child over in some shit hole Ebola ridden Congo crime infested country is even remotely minutely concerned about someone else’s pronouns I really doubtand I think that also is an important thing a child needs to learn young you are fortunate to be born in America you are fortunate to be born with a little bit of money even if your parents have no money they have money to get what I mean you’re not homeless you’re not going hungry but you do need to learn that the world can be a scary placeand there are people or things out there that can hurt you the world is not a kind placeand I think teaching a child that is almost as important as anything else you can teach them letting children grow up to realize what the world actually is is how you create strong confident people not from a young age pampering them what you’re pronouns what do I say to not offend you that is not what strong person makes now in my sinks that your child in front of 24 seven breaking news coverage of wars all over the world absolutely not but what I’m saying is let a child be a child though figure it out on the road eventually kids are definitely fucking stupid but there are a lot smarter than we give them credit forand combat the bigotryand hate that festers in our world again you say world what you mean is what you see help combat the bigotryand hate that you can physically see on a computer screen or one interaction from a child to another what you’re doing right now does not in any way make the world on its own a better place now again on the flip side I know I’m not doing that either but I’d I don’t say that’s what I’m doing do I I am just providing food for thoughtand trying to pay my rent you you’re trying to change the world Lindsay you’re not doing a good joband if you’ve really really really want to focus on bigotryand hate especially against alphabet soup community I suggest you you look East two or more Sandy brotherand set is that the second time she’s just been left hanging there after drawing out this big heartfelt thing waiting for applauseand cheers it was from the crowd to be met with silence teeth grinding teeth cracking cream G silence we have to take a look at that one again that festers in our world who while all what each time they just get longerand longer’s like she’s hoping the crowd will go all I’m supposed to go yes Greenslade now talk to a kid about gender or not do that or don’t talk to a child about gender because they’re not interested in gender talk to a kid about sexuality about I’m like 95 sure talking to a kid about sexualityand consent is how you end up on a few listsand a few different placesand that’s where I’m gonna leave that because any jokes I can make here are definitely strictly it is okay for boys to wear dresses for girls to speak this is another part about this whole thing that I never understood maybe I never will understand maybe I’m not supposed to understand or maybe just maybe it makes no sense who was going around telling boys that they can’t were certain clothingand who is going around telling girls that they’re not allowed to speak up where is this happening if you can point me to an instance of this maybe you could get me on your side but you’re fighting a boogie man that doesn’t exist spread radical queer joy thank you was there some giant applause sign over the top or was it just some dude standing over the stage with a rifle pointing down pointing at the Plaza that audience was dead silent the entire talk but as soon as you I think you they start roaring yeah that that seems a little nonorganic to me I’ve said it beforeand I’ll say it againand I’ll say Attila blue in the face I will say it till the last video I make on this website let kids be kids don’t push your politics on it’s not going to help you ever kids rebel what you think they’re gonna do when you push your politics on it’s not exactly rocket science now here is just a completely radical idea what I’m sure will get ignored if Lindsay ever has the misfortune of stumbling across this videoand I’m picking this directly from the comments from Ted talks why do we teach kids to think critically about what they’re doing to form their own opinions to have respect for others to solve problems without creating new ones what you’re doing is beyond teaching it’s indoctrination you shouldn’t teach opinions you should teach a background information needed to form opinions yeah that just makes perfect sense to me in early grades the background information is not it’s okay to be gay there’s absolutely no reason to confront them with that kind of conflict before they reach early sexual maturity what they need to be taught is it’s okay to be youand it’s okay for other people to be them why is that so awful to teach a child who you are literally the whole point of this was to celebrate individuality why are you not allowing them to be an individualand most importantly before the first person even comments the irony of this being a Ted talkand Teddy not being there not lost on me also my buddy drunken uncle did a very very good response to this Ted talk I will link that the description is what makes you go check it outand if you guys made it this far in the video I have to think because this was a slog to make it I’m sure was a slug to get through I hope you enjoyed it if you enjoyed this video please consider supporting me up a tree on or PayPal also go check out my creepy pasta channel that one is monetized for the time being so if that’s your thing go give it a look alike in the description I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the lovely patrons listed on screen if you want to become a patronand access to patriotic streams or anything like that please consider donating a 10 for both been to monetize really helps off but can’t believe you done
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